By thanksgrandpa - 08/03/2016 20:08 - Canada - Concord

Today, an attractive woman sat beside me at the doctor's office. Unfortunately, on my other side was my senile old uncle who can't control his bowels, and after a few uncontrollable farts, she was on the other side of the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 930
You deserved it 1 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is a doctor's office really a great place to pick up women?

Don't blame your uncle for something he has no control over. There'll be lots of attractive girls later in life, but your uncle might not live long.


Is a doctor's office really a great place to pick up women?

I donno about that. But let's just even if you pick up women you likely to pickup otherthings

Women who go to the doctor care about their health.

Sure, but they might also be going there because they got things to be worried about. Like an infection.

FrustratedFrank 12

As opposed to the abortion clinic or the funeral home, I'd say yes. Absolutely. :)

Don't blame your uncle for something he has no control over. There'll be lots of attractive girls later in life, but your uncle might not live long.

Honestly, what were you planning to do had she stayed? It's a doctor's office, not a singles' bar.

Everythings a singles bar if you try hard enough, apparrently.

You know, if you wanted to you could still have attempted to talk to her?

_awwhellnaw_ 45

I dunno about her, but when I go to the doctors, it's because I'm sick, and the last thing on my mind would be getting a date.


agreed, same for me. however I know a lot of people that go just for preventative care. one of my friends goes FOR EVERYTHING. if she sees a spot on her arm she goes straight to the Dr. Overall, we don't know what kind of Dr. they were there to see so she could've been in fine health, just there to get something looked at.

@18 Oh god. That poor doctor! He didn't train for 6 years, and work for another 10 to repeatedly look at pimples on her arm. I think I'd go mad.

She's at the doctor's office too, they could have been her farts.

CheekyRaccoon 27

Your uncle sure blew her away, with his intoxicating aroma.

Well think about it your a good man for taking care of your uncle.

Oh get over yourself, it's not like you HAVE to try and flirt with a woman just because she's attractive. She probably wouldn't appreciate getting hit on while waiting to see a doctor. You're there to help your uncle, how about focussing on that instead? The poor man can't help it if he has to fart a lot.

"Today, some asshole tried hitting on me at the doctor's office. He was perfectly healthy and there to escort his sick relative. I was more preoccupied with whether I was going to have to miss work the next day and get fired/whether the lump in my breast was cancer/how I was going to pay for my surgery/insert five million possible scenarios here. FML."

Guess you can say she was Gone with the Wind.