By anonymous - 01/05/2016 17:59 - United States

Today, I had to deal with a snobby rich woman who asked me to cure her daughter's "unhealthy obsession" with playing outside instead of watching TV with the rest of the family. She called me a liar when I said playing outside is a normal thing for a 6 year-old child to do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 137
You deserved it 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How heavily have you considered the possibility that you went to sleep on earth' one night and woke up on earth" the following morning. I checked your location, and maybe an anonymous proxy is the only way to get FMLs from the bizarro dimension back to here. In any case, I wish you a safe return home, OP.


ulissey_fml 22

Muricia is If i am not mistaken a beautiful region in Spain. However, strangely, we got your point even better that way. ^^

lexiieeex3 32

Reminds me of Matilda only with the outdoors instead of books.

ColonelCusswords 24

God damn it feels good to be an American

I can't even understand how someone can want there kid to be couch potato. Aren't we trying to have them be more active?

Mathalamus 24

i can easily tell you why. people can have every kind of political, social, or economic belief, no matter how obsolete, morally wrong, or illegal, or dangerous. ever since i thought of humans that way, i ceased to be surprised at all. i'm still surprised if the number of people with a certain belief is larger than expected.

I might know why. If the kid wants to be outside all the time, they often have to be watched, or at least keep your eye on them once in while, that can be a lot of "work." If the kid is always inside and on the couch, the TV is basically the babysitter and they don't need to be watched as much. Probably has something to do with the parent's own laziness.

It's typically because a kid zoned out in front of the tv is easier to keep an eye on. I used to babysit my younger brothers and their friends and I personally preferred to keep them outside and doing things to wear them out like tag, riding bikes, etc. so that, when we went inside and I wanted to relax, THEY wanted to relax too because they played so hard outside. They got their exercise, we all got our fresh air, sometimes I got even more exercise when they insisted I needed to participate too, and now I get my chill time. Win win. It also makes for fewer arguments because they're all too tired to bicker.

How heavily have you considered the possibility that you went to sleep on earth' one night and woke up on earth" the following morning. I checked your location, and maybe an anonymous proxy is the only way to get FMLs from the bizarro dimension back to here. In any case, I wish you a safe return home, OP.

Lol right? I don't even know if what I read was English

I love how she calls it an "unhealthy obsession". I think she got her wires crossed on this one. SMH

lol ya she's crazy! right off the deep end! she's reached the end of her fuse!

Isn't this similar to the story of Matilda?

Any one ever read Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury called it

Welcome to america, this is our future

Kevin55_fml 11

The ignorance is strong in that one.