By Anonymous - 05/06/2009 13:20 - United States

Today, I went to watch the Movie "UP." At one point in the movie I got really sad and started to cry a bit. The 7 year old girl next to me noticed and told me to shut and man up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 752
You deserved it 21 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Phlecks 0

Hey, **** all of you who won't admit to crying during a disney movie. Air Bud. Right here. If you didn't cry during Air Bud then your soul is a black pile of ash and evil.

What's it like to be put in place by a little girl?


What's it like to be put in place by a little girl?

awe, man with feelings. so cute! (; nice FML(;

tell her that ur grandma died a year ago and u just thought of it

Wow what a b1+ch. I agree with 386 except tell her u were hired by her father to tell her her gramma had died

htownlove 0
bonicr 0

Wow, what were you whimpering or sobbing OP? The least you can do is stfu while you tear up.

EddieYoung1991 0

lol that's not nice for him!


It's ok OP tell her to mind her Ps and Qs

the start of up is so sad :( and little bits throughout I cried watching it lol

Girls like sensitive guys. So Yea I think crying during movies is no big deal. Besides I cried during HSM3. Whether it was cause of torture or that i actually felt sad though is debatable.

wowthatshorrible_fml 0

dude ur like buckethead but with a warped face please put the mask back on

396-I think she is talking about High School Musical 3.

ChasinParkedCars 0

was her 6'7" 300lb mother sitting next to her?

DuxHuntin 0
Dukedj 0

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Did you ever see the movie? I don't think so. Because it's really sad!

corky1992 33

Disney movies have a lot of sad moments. I'm still not over the fact that they killed Mufasa lol.

Phlecks 0

Hey, **** all of you who won't admit to crying during a disney movie. Air Bud. Right here. If you didn't cry during Air Bud then your soul is a black pile of ash and evil.

I totally agree haha I'm a pussy I cried in the little mermaid . and op that's when ask if she can lend you another pair of balls

Dude, I'm 11 and I didn't cry during airbuds. That movie kinda sucked. And the 50 others that followed.

Exactly. That movie made me cry like a little girl over a dead puppy. Up did too. The love scene between the old guy and his wife.... You just can't not cry!

And if you didn't cry when Mufasa died in the Lion King, you have no heart. I cry every time.

Welp, looks like I have a black pile of ash for a soul.

Hey, Disney movies are sad, just be glad it wasn't the Fox and the Hound, that movie is so damn sad

adub5586 0

Hahaha. I agree with #5. You big pussy!!!!

Obviously #5 and #6 have not seen Lion King because I specifically remember tearing up watching it the first time. Granted, I was like 12 years old.. but that movie is a tear jerker.