By Anonymous - 27/07/2013 17:51 - Finland

Today, I was babysitting a kid for the first time. She asked if she could watch a movie, so I downloaded Cinderella for her. An hour later, this 10-year-old girl was lecturing me about unrealistic standards of beauty and abusive relationships, and how I suck for liking the movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 065
You deserved it 8 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is cinderella unrealistic? She drives a pumpkin seems perfectly realistic to me

17, So she can't have a personal opinion that is "correct" unless it follows your opinion? Hell at 10 years old I think it pretty smart she can comprehend that.


monnanon 13

unrealistic standards of beauty? its a freaking cartoon. i watched every single disney film as a kid and am an avid watcher of pixar now. i never wanted to be a princess even at a young age, i wanted to be an animator or a writer and create magical stories. this ten year old needs to reel it in a bit and juat say if she doesnt like something not lecture about it.

several months ago, people were in an uproar because Disney made the main character from Brave a princess. What's the big deal, right? She was a princess in her movie. The big deal was they changed her apperence, giving her bigger eyes, taming her hair and slimming her waist, essentially telling every little girl who idolized the character in the movie that you have look a certain way. and be thin to be a princess. Parents were furious at Disney who, as this little girl pointed out, have been doing this for nearly a century. Kudos to this girl's parents for teaching her that there is more to life than cleaning the house and finding a man. they probably also taught her that just because Barbie is thin and dresses like a ****, doesn't mean she has to do the same to be considered beautiful. Stories patents tell their daughters, should be the same as those they tell their sons, and they should teach both that they can be anything they want to be. if my daughter wants to be a princess, right on. if she wants to be a welder, that's fine too. Abe before you go calling ne a **** for knowing all this, I do have a daughter, and I also have an incredibly opinionated wife.

I'm impressed by how she thinks like this at a tender age of 10. She's gonna be a brilliant critical thinker.

As the kid gets older she'll hopefully learn to express her views more politely and stop taking cartoons so seriously, but overall I think she's got the right idea. It's really depressing how so many girls buy into unrealistic beauty standards, and from an increasingly young age (as young as ten!), so it's good that some girls realise that they're stupid and unrealistic.

10 years old is a little above Disney's target audience, to be fair

Did you explain to her that you downloaded that because of her age and asked her what she preferred to watch? Then maybe come to an agreement.

i think that's good tbh, a girl that young is realizing the fact that society is ****** up and the media give false perceptions of what women should act and look like