By traumatized - 18/06/2009 05:26 - United States

Today, I was at the mall with some friends. In the food court we passed by this creepy pervert feeling up a woman. I take a closer look and realize with horror that the guy is my dad in sunglasses and a hat. The lady he was with was not my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 212
You deserved it 3 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stephai 0

The hell? You should tell your mom about this... or black mail daddy.

myfishisBOBA 0

FYL for having a creepy pervert for a father. Did he see you? 0.o


OKay, i'm sorry, but who deserves this? Seriously.

Someone please come up with a justifiable reason the OP deserves this.

This is not a FML for u but 4 ur dad!!!

That really sucks :( I dunno what I would do. Because obviously you should tell your mom, but then that would also like break up your family, so =/

that sux sooo bad. i feel terrible for u :(

That's absolutely hilarious, but a bit disturbing to, I'd say. xD What makes me laugh is, why the hell would he do that in the mall of all places? What a moron. And the fact that he though that being in some sort of disguise would help him any is silly. The mental image I've gotten from this whole scenario is hysterical. FYL nevertheless. You username describes how use must feel perfectly

u2_lover_05 0

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Since when the mall become Las Vegas? /Whatever happens in the food court, stays at the food court./

yikes! it was not as fun when we found out my father was having an affair