By traumatized - 18/06/2009 05:26 - United States

Today, I was at the mall with some friends. In the food court we passed by this creepy pervert feeling up a woman. I take a closer look and realize with horror that the guy is my dad in sunglasses and a hat. The lady he was with was not my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 212
You deserved it 3 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stephai 0

The hell? You should tell your mom about this... or black mail daddy.

myfishisBOBA 0

FYL for having a creepy pervert for a father. Did he see you? 0.o


who the **** put YDI? How the **** could this be your fault?


I think your allowance just went up

just talk to him about it first before you do anything..

jen_kay 0

O_O.. I can see why your user name is Traumatized.

realhorrorshow88 0

#2- AGREED. @ OP: wow, thats really Fûčkëd...

nikshy2329 0

dang, i'm sorry. that really sucks, you should def. tell your mom, she has the right to know.

Duddee, that must really suck. Its soo gross, seeing one of you parents feel up someone, trying to be young much.