By Anonymous - 22/06/2019 18:02

Today, I offered to help my mother-in-law boil noodles for some noodle soup. She loudly said, "You know how!?" I'm a chef. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 616
You deserved it 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

leximichelle 13

Why would anyone need help boiling noodles? She might have thought you were insulting her.

Maybe she’s had your cooking and doesn’t have confidence in your noodle-boiling technique.


leximichelle 13

Why would anyone need help boiling noodles? She might have thought you were insulting her.

It’s not unusual to offer help with the easy tasks in the kitchen when dining with family. You don’t want to mess with recipes, but things like boiling noodles, hopping veggies, heating bread, usually don’t come off as an insult. More of an offer to help out.

Maybe she’s had your cooking and doesn’t have confidence in your noodle-boiling technique.

In the end, it's her kitchen. she's the chef

Your reply should have been "I can make them from scratch, can you?"

randybryant799 20

How in hell do you help someone boil noodles? That's absurd.

wrenavery90 12

Why in the world would she be need help cooking noodles?