Obsession by Calvin Klein

By Carrie - 04/12/2020 20:02 - United States - Birmingham

Today, I was at a party with my crush, but I didn’t talk to him. After, I walked out to my car, and saw a dent in my car. I then noticed that the dent was exactly the size of my crush’s head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 568
You deserved it 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ambrily 27

I'm sorry but I don't get this. Did you measure your crush's head? How do you know the dent was the exact same size of their head? And would that mean that your crush rammed into you car head first? Why?

Hint: If you know the exact size of your crush's head, you're probably a stalker!


Ambrily 27

I'm sorry but I don't get this. Did you measure your crush's head? How do you know the dent was the exact same size of their head? And would that mean that your crush rammed into you car head first? Why?

So, your crush is crushing on your car, literally?

Hint: If you know the exact size of your crush's head, you're probably a stalker!

OP, most adult humans have fairly similar sized heads - There is no way you could identify who’s head (if it was someone’s head) hit your car just from the dent size. You have an active imagination but not a particularly accurate one.

I'm going to take a guess that the OP isn't randomly accusing their crush of head ramming their car and will take the title into account and assume the FML is that the OP is so enamored of their crush that rather than get upset about the dent or go about trying to figure out what happened, the first thing their brain did was look at a dent and go "Oh it reminds me of my crush". I'm going to look at it that way because I can see that is an unhealthy level of focus on any one individual and the sudden realization that you are clearly coming unhinged mentally would be worthy of saying F My life.

tounces7 27

It's a dent. What did he do, face-plant into your car so extremely fast as to leave an easily recognizable face mark of himself?

wrenavery90 12

What are you even talking about? And how could you possibly know the dent is the same size as his head? I'm just not understanding this.