By Joe - 10/03/2009 00:26 - Canada

Today, I was at a dance. I was griding with this guy when I felt something move in his pants. I stood up and stepped away. He replied with "Don't flatter yourself, it was my phone". FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 265
You deserved it 56 136

Same thing different taste

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well, im assuming you are in high school since you went to a dance. so you may not have learned this quite yet, when you rub up on a guy's d*ck, it gets hard. what did you think you were rubbing up on when you were grinding with him? and what do you mean you stood up? were you laying down and grinding?


Allybuns 0

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could you feel something move in his pants? Unless you where grabbing his crotch

he lies, or did he actually pick it up?

Infamous_Hawk 6

Coulb be joeanne for all we know, canadians are wierd like that

How can a country and it's people be "wierd?"

#3, He's a jerk? (S)he was grinding with him and steps away when (s)he thinks he gets a hard on. (most likely a he seeing as Joe doesnt sound very feminine) Don't be a frikking tease.

Female, says so in the corner, or next to the name

I'm a girl as seen in the picture and I have a male name on my account there could be a ton of reasons for her having a male name on her account. Don't judge someone by the name.

hollyperk716 0

I can top that. I had a guy **** on my ass while we were grinding one time. I don't know how that's really physically possible, but apparently, it is.

Allybuns 0

um that's ******* nasty and I'm sure you're making that up

That's a good shout #4, I thought that was the POINT in grinding up on someone. I agree with he was lying too, probably did have a hard one, unless he actually took out his phone afterwards and proved it. So this FML is wrong on oh so many levels.

kagome_eb 0

I say you deserve it for grinning on him. gross, go learn how to dance something that doesn't include you all over a guy like that! dancing is to make the guy come to you, not make you look like...well...a dog.

cradle6 13

Yeah I hate when people grin on me. It's disgusting. They should stick to frowning.

Yeah not really an FML, seems more like a 'mission accomplished' to me -Mr Roboto

well, im assuming you are in high school since you went to a dance. so you may not have learned this quite yet, when you rub up on a guy's d*ck, it gets hard. what did you think you were rubbing up on when you were grinding with him? and what do you mean you stood up? were you laying down and grinding?

hotstuff4_hockey 0

i think he was lying . he probably got hard but didnt want to say anything .