By lax52389 - 09/11/2013 23:45 - United States - Staunton

Today, after working all week on a group project, I realized I forgot to submit the assignment and missed the deadline. I now have to tell my group that we automatically failed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 894
You deserved it 53 709

lax52389 tells us more.

FYI it was an honest mistake and the paper was only turned in 8 minutes late...after some frantic talks with my teacher she agreed not to penalize my group and just deduct points from me. Lesson learned!!

Top comments

graceinsheepwear 33

Through what stroke of genius did the group put you in charge of the final submission?


Have fun with that OP you deserve it...

OP apparently goes by, "One for all and all for one." If I go down, everybody else goes down.

**** that, I don't know how they do it in America but the rest of ops group must be able to tell the tutor and be alright.

Exactly why I've always hated group projects and usually volunteer to do all the work myself; you can't trust anyone. Especially in school when it comes to your grades.

\ 28

OP now has to hide away. Forever.

graceinsheepwear 33

Through what stroke of genius did the group put you in charge of the final submission?

Yea the most trust worthy and responsible person usually gets put in charge... Does that mean the other two are even greater f***ups?

well the other group members should have double checked it was sent or else they are just as much at fault

haven't you ever thought you sent a text/email but then realized you didn't.. since that happened to me I triple check it sends to avoid this problem. sorry use this as a lesson for next time? hope your group isn't to mad

Must be fun tripple checking everything you do, another option is to start being more aware.

Kevlar_burrito 6 things correctly the first time...

How could you forget to turn it in if you worked on it all week? Smh YDI

It's not your fault OP, your entire group is equally responsible to make the sure the project was upload and submitted on time

It actually is his fault he probably put in charge of turning it in which is why he said " I forgot to turn the assignment in" because it was his responsibility.

I'm with 6 on this, when I was in school, no matter who was supposed to turn in the assignment, I always made sure that I had a copy and submitted it as well. It was part of my grade too and I'll be damned if I'm going to fail because some fucktard forgot to submit homework!

Kevlar_burrito 6

The amount of down votes you received is indicative of the amount of children/teens on this app. A responsible adult would make sure it's turned in. (yes... being an adult means being responsible... age has no bearing in this case...)

I agree, can't believe not a single person asked you if you turned it in.If I didn't physically see you do it I would have asked

JoeGrant 12

Honestly, I think you should man up, go to the professor and say that it's your fault for not making the deadline, and hope they give your peers an extension. Don't make your classmates/friends suffer for your **** up. Plus, doing this will make you feel and be a better person.

Having a similar situation with another friend in a group I was in I have to say YDI

This is why I dislike group work. It can go wrong so easily.