By embarassed - 12/10/2009 14:13 - United States

Today, I went to the grocery store. I saw a very cute guy in the aisle and smiled. He smiled back and blushed a little. He walked over and I flirted with him. He said, "I thought you should know the zipper on your jeans is down" and walked away. It was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 496
You deserved it 6 821

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he told you. That's when you laugh it off because it's not that big of a deal and say "Thank you".

I believe incidents, just like this one, tend to happen often. Regardless if it's fake or's highly amusing, because you know its just happened to someone else in real life. ;D


I believe incidents, just like this one, tend to happen often. Regardless if it's fake or's highly amusing, because you know its just happened to someone else in real life. ;D

Yes... yes... I would say that was definitely a flirt. Hope you had on your panties; else that was a little much.

At least he told you. That's when you laugh it off because it's not that big of a deal and say "Thank you".

loltoyoutoo 0

BAHAHAHAHA . This gave me a good laugh

No_fyl_cuz_ydi 0

not sure this is really an fml I've told people when their fly is down they say thank you it would be more embarrassing to walk around with your fly down and no one tells you. next time double check yourself

AliMarie 0

It's okay. I mean. . .he's the creeper in the grocery store checking out your crotch.

noshitsherlock 0

UMM GET OVER IT, dumbass. It's NOT a big deal, and you're lucky he said something so you didn't have to go the rest of the day like that. It's only embarrassing if you weren't wearing underwear, and you didn't say you weren't, so WHO CARES?!

You should have said, "Thanks for looking in that area!" Once a woman told me I missed a belt loop. I got wood.

#7 is on the money. He was looking at your crotch enough to notice. I've never checked out a girl's crotch I didn't find attractive.

How... do you... check out a girl's crotch? Our vulva isn't anything like a package. I mean, if she's wearing pants, how do you check that out? But yes, plex is on the money, OP. Little embarassing moments make for endearing ones, anyway...

You forgot to mention you went commando that day.

justmyluck1212 0

dude, the fly on 1 of my favorite jeans stays down, sucks cuz im always on the lookout, but no one has humili8d me about it publicly FYL