By Anonymous - 11/08/2009 12:17 - Australia

Today, I was alone with a work acquaintance at lunch. A noise came from his pocket; he whipped out his iPod Touch and said "Sorry, I have to take this," before walking away with the iPod to his ear. Not only did he not want to talk to me, he thought I was stupid enough to confuse an iPod with a phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 698
You deserved it 14 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Also, the iPod Touch, when connected to a Wi-Fi signal, can act like a phone with programs like Skype.

Could of had the Skype app on an iPod Touch.


This person is dumb. It was probably an iPhone, and I say that with a lot of sarcasm just to make the OP feel bad.

i am 400 billion percent sure it was an iphone. you are retarded.

You are stupid or technology retarded because there's such a thing called iPhones you would know if you had a life and either watched a commercial or walked by a few adds

brunettebabex3 0

YDI. OP= you FAIL. iphone, durr.

idontsinkso34 0

Haven't you ever heard of an iPhone?

iPhones will have a plastic backing, in either white, black or whatever colours they have them in now. iPod touches have a shiny metal back. That's a HUGE, very obvious difference. You can use an iPod touch as a phone with skype, but you need to have an external mike connected. Holding it up to your ear doesn't work. iPhones & iPod touches don't actually look that much the same. I have one of each.

Easy difference between the two (I have had both) the iTouch has a silver back, and is much slimmer. That said, there are apps that fake calls on both the phone and iPod, and that guy was serious win for successfully using that app to get out of an apparently unpleasant situation.

Also, **** the people who moderated this and approved it. The OP is too stupid to deserve a published FML.