Thanks, Burgess

By singingintherain - 01/07/2017 20:00

Today, ever since my boyfriend has seen A Clockwork Orange, he always suggests that we have sex by asking, "How about a little of the good old in-out-in-out?" and refers to his genitals as, "Yarbles". He seriously doesn't understand why this turns me off every time and our sex life has sunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 250
You deserved it 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FrozenYeti 6

I would say "Just because you don't understand why it turns me off, that doesn't make my feelings invalid" - though unless he's a complete moron, it sounds like he's intentionally baiting you :/


FrozenYeti 6

I think the point is she told him and he doesn't understand how that could be.

FrozenYeti 6

1. guys can't read minds as much as women this k you have to be painfully obvious. 2. if it's is really that bad, kick his ass to the curb. I have no sympathy when the response is to bitch anonymously online instead of having a conversation like a real adult

I would say "Just because you don't understand why it turns me off, that doesn't make my feelings invalid" - though unless he's a complete moron, it sounds like he's intentionally baiting you :/

So cut him off. If he's baiting you, he'll be the master baiter.

Sounds like he isn't really listening to what you're telling him

I would suggest getting him the novel, maybe then he understand that 'the good old in out in out' is referring to a rape. Hopefully he stops afterwards.

It's rape in the movie too, so you don't even have to give him the novel. Just remind him that what he is referring to is a RAPE so brutal that the woman died from it. And that it isn't a turn on for you for him to offer to rape you to death.

From my understanding, the death was suicide after the rape, an all-too-common thing in real life. But yeah, OP, you gotta find a way to shut that shit down. If he won't get it through his head that using a reference to rape turns you off, perhaps you should find another boyfriend.

Actually I don’t think it’s a reference to rape but to sex in general because I believe he also uses it about the 2 girls who voluntarily have sex with him at the beginning of the movie. Regardless if it bothers you, he should stop using that expression.

Just give him a tolchock in the zoobies and go listen to some Ludwig van. You should read the book -- it's very horrorshow.

Taking part in 'A Clockwork Orange' next week. Your boyfriend has one twisted sense of humour....

Maybe he just wants to read the meter. Regarding the rape comments.. It's been awhile since I read or saw it but I'm pretty sure 'in-out-in-out' just refers to penetrative sex in general, not specially rape.

It's how the main character refers to sex- and he enthusiastically raped a woman to death.

tolkien897 15

It might not even be the rape references. I just don't find the words "in out in out" to be sexy. Besides, I like it when my husband play-rapes with me

yeah okayy.......way too much information there o.O

tolkien897 15

Being that A Clockwork Orange is my favorite movie of all times. I don't think this would bother me, lol. However, I do feel sorry for you xD

A Clockwork Orange is one of my favorite movies as well, and I once talked in nadsat(the weird way the characters speak) for half a day until my Spanish teacher yelled at me. I would also have no problem with it.