By Anonymous - 07/06/2009 14:26 - United States

Today, my crush was walking up to me and I put my earphones in, playing hard to get. When I heard him say something about a date I take an earphone out and say, "Oh, I didn't see you there!" His response, "They're not connected to anything," holds up the end of my earphones and walks away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 382
You deserved it 131 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are such an idiot. This is why girls need to stop playing hard to get, they just make themselves look stupid, or you will do it too much and the guy will give up. How about just saying "Hi" next time like a normal person? YDI

ssophie7714 0

HAHAHAHA, at least he notices you!


ssophie7714 0

HAHAHAHA, at least he notices you!

isaiaha11 2

i couldnt stop laughing at that commet

The OP what a retard. I'm sorry. But really you gotta have a plan, and if that fails you need a backup plan. I'm sorry but fail much?

OP, and that's why you're going to stay single...

staringatnothing 0

well I mean....XD thats just kind of dumb

Haha yea, and that's why playing hard to get is retarded, because sometimes if you play too hard, you'll just end up pissing off the guy and you'll just die alone with 98 cats.

OppositesAttract_fml 0

Wow. That... I don't even have words for that. YDI.

why would having earphones in make you hard to get?

You are such an idiot. This is why girls need to stop playing hard to get, they just make themselves look stupid, or you will do it too much and the guy will give up. How about just saying "Hi" next time like a normal person? YDI

lamezzzville 0

perfect #9 exactly what I feel... YDI why the hell do girls feel the need to play hard to get or act not interested when they are... all it does is make the guy think that the girl does NOT like him and usually the guy will end up with someone else. Then you females come on here and be like "today there was this totally hott guy who I had a chance with but instead I played a game like a 13 year old, and now hes diddling my cousin/sister/friend FML"

HeyThereLove 0

well some girls, while playing hard to get, are still very flirty. maybe op was trying to flirt.... but compleatly failed.

I wanna know how old the OP was... like 13?

Calia061908 4

I agree your an idiot lmfao. I can't stop laughing ahaha who dthe **** does that ??