By Anonymous - 11/08/2009 12:17 - Australia

Today, I was alone with a work acquaintance at lunch. A noise came from his pocket; he whipped out his iPod Touch and said "Sorry, I have to take this," before walking away with the iPod to his ear. Not only did he not want to talk to me, he thought I was stupid enough to confuse an iPod with a phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 698
You deserved it 14 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Also, the iPod Touch, when connected to a Wi-Fi signal, can act like a phone with programs like Skype.

Could of had the Skype app on an iPod Touch.


foryoublue94 0

my best friend has an ipod touch (WITH A CASE) that also has a texting app and everyone I know confuses it with his phone. (Note: he doesnt have an iphone) Either way, if it had a case, it wouldn't be hard to mistake.

If you were looking at the person from their left and they held the phone up to their right ear you wouldn't be able to see the back.

actually, depending on where you live the iPod Touch and iPhone look exactly the same, except for the camera and thickness. i have an iPhone and my best friend has an iPod Touch, they're essentially identical looking. it could have very easily been the iPhone. though i don't doubt they used a fake call app, i've got it and it's quite handy.

As most people have mentioned, it was likely an iPhone. Also, I have heard it is possible to hack the iTouch so that it act as an iPhone.

yyeeaahh They do happen to make phones that look exactly like an ipod touch. It's called an iphone.

Clever_Sleazoid 0

No, the iPod is noticably thinner, and it gas a fake call app.

ShetHappensxx 0

YDI for being a stupid asswaffle