By Anonymous - 11/12/2009 06:23 - Canada

Today, I told a customer at the drive-thru I couldn't hear him as he had his music blaring too loud. The customer then drove to the window and verbally abused me for listening to my iPod at work. My "iPod" is the headset we use to take orders at the drive-thru. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 160
You deserved it 2 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seem McDonalds customers aren't smarter than the employees...

YayAmerica 0

Ugh. Customers do suck sometimes. I work at a movie theater during school breaks and I've wanted to shove a few faces in the popper myself. Bright side: even if the customer complained to your manager, there would be no ignoring what an idiot he was being.


Seem McDonalds customers aren't smarter than the employees...

Thats why they eat at mcdonalds. Fyl for working at a drive thru though.

I would have bitched him out right then and there for being a dumbass....**** customer satisfaction, tell him to never show his face to society again

lizzilla8297 2

mcdonalds is retarded and makes thier customers retarded too.

kick him in the pants. hes a dumbfcker and shouldnt be alowed to reproduce. problem solved

kyuhyunn 0

OP never said they worked at mcdonalds

YayAmerica 0

Ugh. Customers do suck sometimes. I work at a movie theater during school breaks and I've wanted to shove a few faces in the popper myself. Bright side: even if the customer complained to your manager, there would be no ignoring what an idiot he was being.

The kind of person that verbally abuses people forced to serve them (such as, for example, food service workers or retail personnel) is generally very sad and lonely. I'm not saying feel sorry for them. Just focus on the fact that at the end of the day, you're not the one so worthless and impotent that you have to vent your frustrations at someone who can't fight back.

jdortega 2

That just made my 5 first years of employment a good memory, thanks for the insight :)

mylifestoryy 6

I would have punched him in the noodle x)

fobchick 0

Sucks you work for a fast food chain....

xxmadicxx 0

woww.Don't let it get to you.idiots like that don't even know how to complain to managers

Never screw with someone that serves your food, some people just ask for spit burgers.

jts2 3

Definitely belongs on,