The walls have ears

By Anonymous - 20/04/2020 17:00

Today, I went out for lunch with one of my co-workers. After work, I talked to one of my friends about how unpleasant the lunch was with him. My co-worker was standing behind me listening in the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 553
You deserved it 2 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you smell that? I smell a bridge being burnt.

I think you commented on the wrong post😅


Do you smell that? I smell a bridge being burnt.

tounces7 27

Well, if that isn't a massive slap in the face to every woman out there who isn't able to get pregnant at all. Your sister sounds like a massive narcissist and should NEVER have children.

I think you commented on the wrong post😅

No, no, It'll fit perfectly fine as it's just as normal as FML using old content as new. I mean, how TF they're 'going out for lunch' during a WORLDWIDE SHUTDOWN/QUARANTINE is beyond me!

lifeis4me 20

I’m assuming you were still near your work environment since the co-worker heard you. Important rule: always wait until you’re completely away from work to talk about anyone who works there