By Anonymous - 11/08/2009 12:17 - Australia

Today, I was alone with a work acquaintance at lunch. A noise came from his pocket; he whipped out his iPod Touch and said "Sorry, I have to take this," before walking away with the iPod to his ear. Not only did he not want to talk to me, he thought I was stupid enough to confuse an iPod with a phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 698
You deserved it 14 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Also, the iPod Touch, when connected to a Wi-Fi signal, can act like a phone with programs like Skype.

Could of had the Skype app on an iPod Touch.


deaditegirl 0

YDI for not knowing that iPod Touch + Skype = iPhone. But you get points for not calling it an iTouch.

Dopehead666 21

That's awesome. He did it right.

iPhone.... It looks like an iPod Touch... But it's an AT&T phone. You Fail At Life.

Unbelievable... this is the first time I've seen this many people agree with each other since that guy who put the hamster down his shorts. I also agree that it was probably an iPhone, and I am in awe of how many people think you're an idiot, OP. Congrats!

echarperouge 0

Well you're apparently too stupid to recognize an iPhone, dumbass.

amiamazing 0

probably was an ipone you ******* retard