By Anonymous - 11/08/2009 12:17 - Australia

Today, I was alone with a work acquaintance at lunch. A noise came from his pocket; he whipped out his iPod Touch and said "Sorry, I have to take this," before walking away with the iPod to his ear. Not only did he not want to talk to me, he thought I was stupid enough to confuse an iPod with a phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 698
You deserved it 14 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Also, the iPod Touch, when connected to a Wi-Fi signal, can act like a phone with programs like Skype.

Could of had the Skype app on an iPod Touch.


lifeislife_fml 0

Maybe the OP knew the difference between and ipod touch and an iphone, and saw that his acquaintance was holding the touch. But judging by the way the FML is written, it was an iPhone and the OP didn't know about them.

ihatebikez 0

/starts rant 1.Depending one the case/way you hold your iphone cameracould be covered. 2.Screen faces toward person so u wouldnt see speakers etc.. to tell the differance that way 3.Person probly put iphone to ear and quickly walked away stopping you from getting a good view of it 4.Impossible to differentiate thickness without viewing next to a touch or without beeing super close and looking at it for a while. 5.I dont know about you but when someone pulls out an iphone and puts it to their ear i dont go "Ima take a really good look at this to make sure its an iphone" 6.need external mic for ipod touch if he really used his touch to take a call. /end rant

Um, my friend has an ipod touch that also acts as his cell phone.....I think you're paranoid

ohwow i know everyone before me has said this but stop being so paranoid there are iphones itouches just dont randomly start making noises its called a ringtone smart one!

it was a fake call app on the iPod touch. it's actually pretty easy to tell the the difference between the iPhone and iPod touch. the iPod touch has a shiny back and the iPhone is either black or white on the back and is quite a bit thicker.

luvs2splooge42 0

if its not an iphone how did it ring? even most phone apps i've heard of for ipod touch don't let you receive calls (just send calls). unless he turned on a song in his pocket and he has the 2nd generation with the speaker then OP is just retarded.

CL41RE 0

Boy you gotta love how all the comments turned to the controversy of the difference between iPhone and iPod touch.

yournamehere_fml 0

for everyone saying there's a big difference between an iPod touch and an iPhone.. who really takes the time to look at the thickness of the iPod/iPhone when someone pulls it out of their pocket and walks away? and most of the people I know with iPods or iPhones do have covers on them, so you wouldn't be able to look at the color of the back, or the engravement. as for OP, this is dumb.. grow up, your "acquaintance" just didn't want to talk to you worst comes to worst. it's not the end of the world. and it may have been an iPhone, unless you looked at it incredibly closely, which is kind of ridiculous I think..

OMG, how much more clueless could y'all be? It's pretty damn easy to tell an iPhone and an iPod touch apart! The back of an iPhone is either BLACK or WHITE PLASTIC and says "iPhone". The back of an iPod touch is SHINY METAL and says "iPod". Trust me, you can tell with just one glance, ESPECIALLY if the person put it up to his ear, which ALLOWS YOU TO SEE THE BACK.