Secret life

By Anonymous - 06/08/2020 20:00

Today, the phone rang, it was some woman who wanted to speak to my dad. “It’s probably his mistress,” I said jokingly. Turns out it was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 975
You deserved it 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be sure your Mother has the telephone number she was calling from from your Caller I.D. And/or make sure your Cell Phone is set to record and in an inconspicuous place in the same room your Dad talks to his Mistress on the phone for your Mother.

You should be a detective. Just don't go near the D.B. Cooper case. It's too good of a mystery to be solved.


Be sure your Mother has the telephone number she was calling from from your Caller I.D. And/or make sure your Cell Phone is set to record and in an inconspicuous place in the same room your Dad talks to his Mistress on the phone for your Mother.

She calls on the landline? How old are they? The fact that she's a "mistress" instead of a "side piece" makes me think they are all ancient.

I bet you got those dam telemarketers after that awkward call.

You should be a detective. Just don't go near the D.B. Cooper case. It's too good of a mystery to be solved.

It sounds like your phone must be on a... party line!