By toot_toot_turtle - 17/03/2016 03:41 - United States - Monroe

Today, at my brother's baseball practice, two 6 year-old girls wanted a piggy back ride. I get this a lot due to my size, so after telling their mom how good I was with kids, I let one get on my back. I then promptly tripped over a puppy and face planted, resulting in a crying child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 898
You deserved it 2 701

toot_toot_turtle tells us more.

I forgot to add that both the kid and puppy are fine. My pride? I will never be able to go to my brothers baseball games again. D:

Top comments

You failed, OP. This was a test of your spatial awareness, and it's only going to get worse. Next it will be trip wires and LEGO pieces.


Damn, that's a bitch, OP. I hope the kid's okay

CheekyRaccoon 27

Well he certainly tripped on a bitch :D ...sorry I'll leave

That pun made my day. You are an amazing human bean.

this man here asks the important questions.

MedChew 19

Puppies are cute and precious and all but shouldn't you also ask whether the kid and OP are okay?

I don't really care about the kid tbh, I'm sure they're fine since he fell forward and not backward. The puppy is smaller, more fragile, and also quite cuter.

Hope the mom knows it was an accident. Life can be a bitch like that

Twisted_Angel 17

Okay. accidents happen... but how do you trip over a puppy? Was he just sitting there and you didn't see him? Did he run in front of you? Or was it his leash you didn't see? Hopefully you, the child, and the puppy weren't hurt... but next time maybe try to stay away from anything you could possibly trip over while giving piggy back rides?

Hopefully the mother doesn't see you as a bad person, anything could have happened.

You failed, OP. This was a test of your spatial awareness, and it's only going to get worse. Next it will be trip wires and LEGO pieces.

This would have been hilarious illustrated . Poor puppy :(

Mathalamus 24

At least the child wasn't hurt.

Am I the only one wondering if OP's face is okay? XD