By zed - 09/09/2012 17:21 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I took a girl out to dinner. Halfway through, she sighed and asked if it was all an episode of Disaster Date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 923
You deserved it 3 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trix_Disorder 20

I hope you said yes, claimed you were going to get the host, and then left her there. Rude.

RealTalk0 7

You should have said, "Yeah. You're the disaster." FYL OP


Well good riddance if shes going to have the audacity to say that while you're taking her out to dinner. She's rude and not worth it, don't stress about it.

CaptainDoorknob 7

44- Haven't you heard? Ending your word with a capital letter is all the rage these days.

She could have been on her phone during the date and fully ignoring you and talking shit about you to their friends. Atleast you know she isn't worth your time.

Thats when you say "yes this was a date and you were the disaster"

Say youre on Hell Date and remark that shes the devil

keven501 12

Don't answer and just stare at her until she leaves