Back to the drawing board

By BackIGo - 15/01/2021 02:01 - Australia

Today, I finished birthday shopping for my husband, my son, and a close friend, who all have birthdays within a week. I was proud of myself for being organized, until I remembered: my husband has a twin sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 805
You deserved it 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's his sister not yours. Let him do the shopping ;)

Don't worry about it, stuff like that can slip your mind all the time! I was just talking to my mom recently and brought up everyone's birthday who's in December from our family (there's a lot!) And I forgot my first born son's name. You're fine. Just quick head back out when you can; it's the thought that counts! Good luck!


Don't worry about it, stuff like that can slip your mind all the time! I was just talking to my mom recently and brought up everyone's birthday who's in December from our family (there's a lot!) And I forgot my first born son's name. You're fine. Just quick head back out when you can; it's the thought that counts! Good luck!

It's his sister not yours. Let him do the shopping ;)