First Dates

By mildver - 20/04/2009 04:51 - Costa Rica

Today, I went to a date with a girl I thought liked me. We sat down at a restaurant, ordered some food and started talking. After 30 minutes, she said with a sigh of relief, "THANK GOD! There's my dad. Now I can leave. Bye, thanks for the dinner." The food hadn't even arrived yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 695
You deserved it 4 612

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what a weird way to end a date. i'm so sorry.

What a loser leaving like that, you are better off without that kind of girl


what a weird way to end a date. i'm so sorry.

that's terrible!!! if ur a cute guy, I'll date u!! btw, I'm 12

Well, it wasn't exactly a date. The girl sat down and talked to him but before the food arrived, she left. Guess she told her dad to pick her up in half an hour? But you're right, it was weird and rude of the girl. I'm so sorry OP, hope you find a better girl next time!

So you're a boring person, like most out there. Big deal, I say.

Epic fail on her part. She's probably sterile, anyway. FYL indeed.

What a loser leaving like that, you are better off without that kind of girl

At lest she came and didnt stand you up

I think I rather be stood up than that. FYL. Cept since she did accept the date originally, you probably screwed up in those 30 minutes.

imadonkeymoo 0

Today, I went on a date with this boring person. it went on FOREVER. FML

Either she's a stuck-up bitch or you're just a lame, boring person to talk to.

30 minutes for food? what the hell did you order?

aleeshttylXD 9