By zed - 09/09/2012 17:21 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I took a girl out to dinner. Halfway through, she sighed and asked if it was all an episode of Disaster Date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 923
You deserved it 3 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trix_Disorder 20

I hope you said yes, claimed you were going to get the host, and then left her there. Rude.

RealTalk0 7

You should have said, "Yeah. You're the disaster." FYL OP


steelerslove43 3

She's stupid. The longer you last on disaster date the more money you get. Why would she intentionally end it?

greatgal369 2

FYL but you should have said "Yea, I was wondering the same thing" ;)

Three worst dates: 1. Movie 2. Dinner 3. Coffee Stop being so cliché.

Dinner. Why? Everyone takes girls out for dinner. It's ******* cheesy. Why can't you be a little creative? Go wall-climbing. Go swimming. Go cycling. Do ANYTHING but cheesy stupid things, and maybe they will feel themselves better with you. Life is not a god damn romantic movie and things don't work like in those.

Maddiiiex 1

You should have gotten up and said "I'm an actor, they're all actors, those are hidden cameras, and you're on MTVs Disaster Date!" and ran out leaving her with the check.

You should have asked if she thought it was a disaster to have to pay the bill then walked out