By Anonymous - 20/04/2009 18:22 - United States

Today, I told my mom that I was taking antidepressants because I hate myself. She said "That's not surprising. You hate everybody. And, you're kind of a bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 042
You deserved it 23 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Maybe you should recommend those drugs to your mom...but then again you could be a bitch :D

"Today, my daughter told me she was on anti-depressants. I told her, 'That's not surprising. You hate everybody. And you're kind of a bitch.' 10 hours later, she burst through the door with a tommy gun. FML"


derekjeter92 0

Ahahaha I just love really retarded parents XD They make mine seem more normal.

Your mom sucks. I am on anti-depressants too, and before I started taking them I was a real bitch, I got along horribly with my mom, and I hated everyone. After I started taking them, everything was much better. Now my mom is on antidepressants too, and she's nicer as well...everyone's nicer when they're happy. Who knows, maybe your mom will notice you're doing better after you've been on them for a while and your relationship with her will improve like mine did. Here's hoping.

very sorry you had to go through that. I hate when parents are unreasonable.

scollard19 0

Why does everyone ask questions in their comments, has anyone EVER seen the auother answer there question

Literacy 0

My mom sounds exactly like your mom, and I sound exactly like you. I hate pretty much everyone in my community because they hate me too... It's gone on forever, and I don't know who started it (kind of like the Mexican-American War) and my mom always insults me about it, saying I need a few more than the 200+ friends I have, and that I'm a real asshole. Funny thing is, she's an asshole too. Whenever it comes up, the first thing my dad says is "Where do you think he gets it from, Shannon?" Well, to the Op: I've never taken antidepressants since I'm still a teenager and I'm potentially bipolar (it's hard to tell due to the puberty hormone inbalance) but the family members I know who have have gone from raging drunks who beat holes in walls (and leave them there as symbols of superiority) to much nicer people, that my parents aren't afraid to invite to Christmas Parties where Egg Nog is served. Don't let your mom get you down. Moms are supposed to be assholes for no apparent reason, it's in the maternal guidebook somewhere

yeah, i get why this is an FML and all, but i've gotta say... you really sound like an attention-seeker if you say "i'm taking anti-depressants because i hate myself." just saying. i know how it is, though. i would probably take them too, but my mom won't let me. she thinks they might really **** me up...