By Anonymous - 20/04/2009 18:22 - United States

Today, I told my mom that I was taking antidepressants because I hate myself. She said "That's not surprising. You hate everybody. And, you're kind of a bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 042
You deserved it 23 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Maybe you should recommend those drugs to your mom...but then again you could be a bitch :D

"Today, my daughter told me she was on anti-depressants. I told her, 'That's not surprising. You hate everybody. And you're kind of a bitch.' 10 hours later, she burst through the door with a tommy gun. FML"


I lol'd. Why aren't there more YDI's?

xanth 0

Sorry but anti-depressants aren't going to make you hate yourself any less. If you hate yourself its because your life and/or your attitudes are messed up, not because you're body chemistry is. If you really want to do something about it try getting some therapy.

Sounds like she needs antidepressants too.

omg! that's horrible!!! atleast she was being honest... but that's horrible!!!

justjayit 0

YDI; you realize you hate yourself but you'd rather rely on drugs than change your outlook on life? And you don't even consult your mom about the decision of these drugs? She's probably right. Grow up, you're probably just in some attention-whoring phase anyway.

tiltwrestler 0

YDI. Exercise, b*tch, and then maybe you wont hate in-shape girls so much. K?

lulu12step 0

When you hate yourself it's hard to get along with other people .. you find yourself comparing yourself to them and it's hard to maintain a healthy attitude. All things aside, when you are happier, it will be much easier to be a better person to others. Good luck finding what makes you happy :)

CaptainBaconMan 0

I wouldn't doubt that your a bitch, but you never know. You probably got it from your mom anyways.

omgsh i can't believe your mother would say that just stop taking the drugs and be yourself