By Anonymous - 20/04/2009 18:22 - United States

Today, I told my mom that I was taking antidepressants because I hate myself. She said "That's not surprising. You hate everybody. And, you're kind of a bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 042
You deserved it 23 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Maybe you should recommend those drugs to your mom...but then again you could be a bitch :D

"Today, my daughter told me she was on anti-depressants. I told her, 'That's not surprising. You hate everybody. And you're kind of a bitch.' 10 hours later, she burst through the door with a tommy gun. FML"


I call BS. You don't just get drugs and if you're a minor living at home, your mother would have to give permission to start you on them, let alone buy them. Antidepressants are EXPENSIVE. This isnt something a doctor just hands out. First, you need to see a doctor (I forget if its a psychologist or a psychiatrist, always mix the two up) and get an actual prescription. You don't just pop pills. Then they hae to put you on a regiment and slowly figure out your dosage. its a time consuming thing. And to be honest, you probably just need a reality check. Geez. Honestly, Teenagers today. Ya'll think you're individuals and that your life is horrible and so messed up. Get over yourselves. Teen Angst is sooooooo ten years ago.

#180, Just because she went to talk to her mom doesnt mean that she is a teenager...... plenty of women try to carry on relationships with their parents into adulthood and Obviously they were prescribed by a doctor, otherwise how would she have them? not all people who experience emotional/anxiety disorders or depession are crying, emo, teen-angsty, individuals.

hatehatehatehate 0

At least she didn't hand you a pack of razor blades, though?? Trying to look on the positives, here...

Get over it. Lighten up. Take some drugs.

I coincidentally just had a two hour lecture about depression today in my psych class - yes it's serious, but that's why I think OP is just being a normal hormonal teenager who goes through this by fact that she just went up to her mom and said that. Clinical depression caused by some neural problem (like with bipolar disorder) is when you can't even get out of bed because you feel so heavy and don't want to talk to anyone. You don't take antidepressants because "I hate myself" and want to commit suicide, you take them because you want to stop the torture. But that doesn't mean OP is necessarily being emo, she's just going through what most young people go through, and that is wanting attention and sympathy, which is completely warranted and normal. However, if your mother was a bitch, then her calling you a bitch wouldn't phase you because you would know she's just being her bitchy self. The fact that it was instead FML worthy and you took it to heart must mean you're probably sort of a bitch too =P but like another poster said, that "bitchyness" just might be the product of your depression so you're just stuck in a cycle of tears and anger. What #73 said: "Turn that frown upside down"

@#183: Of course people with anxiety disorders/depression aren't mostly teenagers, but the fact that OP posted this on a site like FML for the sole purpose of gaining sympathy from thousands of people, as well as the demographics of viewers who come to this site, and the fact that she told this to her mom who obviously doesn't seem like the kind of mother OP would carry on a relationship with if she were an adult (unless her mother acted this way for the first time, then this is serious and probably wouldn't be posted on FML to begin with). People post things on FML after the situation they posted about is over and they're looking at it from a less serious perspective. I guess I'm trying to say - if OP were a mature adult with a serious depression problem, she certainly wouldn't be posting this on FML.

#151, there are tons of comments just stating that the OP is a bitch, not that 'well maybe you are a bitch' Yes, it's totally possible she's a bitch, but it's equally possible that she's not.

I think that a lot of FMLS are exaggerated and biased towards the OP but I still really feel for you. I hope you get better. Your mum probably doesn't understand how serious depression is. Give her a mental health magazine or two and THEN try talking to her :)