By Anonymous - 20/04/2009 18:22 - United States

Today, I told my mom that I was taking antidepressants because I hate myself. She said "That's not surprising. You hate everybody. And, you're kind of a bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 042
You deserved it 23 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Maybe you should recommend those drugs to your mom...but then again you could be a bitch :D

"Today, my daughter told me she was on anti-depressants. I told her, 'That's not surprising. You hate everybody. And you're kind of a bitch.' 10 hours later, she burst through the door with a tommy gun. FML"


rebecca_fml 0

For all of you that are saying she deserved it because she is a bitch: You don't know that unless you've met her which I highly doubt you have. But, she very well could be a bitch. But if she's suffering from depression, it's a little hard to be a constant ray of sunshine. I've been suffering from depression for 5 years now and I know how hard it is to always be patient when sometimes you just feel like you want to crawl in bed and die. Some days I have absolutely no patience for even my best friends, and they know that on days like that they shouldn't cross me. It's an EXTREMELY hard thing to control and I think that her mom should have been much more supportive of her in that situation. I know that if I came out and told that to my mom and recieved that response, I'd be devastated. So give the girl a break. She's obviously had rough times and doesn't need more people ragging on her. I don't think anyone deserves that.

RiverRelic 0

#90, did you learn in your Psych class that everyone who is depressed has a chemical imbalance? Wow, was that like a 5 minute Psych class? Now, I only have a B.A. is Psych but it probably won't hold up against that Psych class you took, so I bow to your superiority. I mean, heaven forbid we actually discover that she is, in fact, an immature selfish bitch. It's much better to medicate in all cases. I'm sure that's the best choice. And, while we are at it, can we put every school kid on Ridilin? Because, you know, some of them are distracted.

Germs 0

I doubt your mom would say that.

For all those of you saying it's ok to be rude when you're depressed, chew on this: All these other commenters, who're being rude, what psychiatric disorder are they suffering from? Is it justified that they don't try to stop it and blame it all on "chemical imbalances"? Depressiveness is just one reaction to stress you can't cope with, being unfeeling, psychopathtic or angry is another, it can be some strange combination of all. Yeah, we know mental health is partly physiological but we also know that your mind can alter this especially since it is where the problem is, even down to the physiologial level. I almost feel sorrier for the extent of damage in the those who have no hearts left. Just sayin'.

siklee 0

I really hate it when people make up FMLs. I'm sorry, but I find this hard to believe...

Just because you're on antidepressants, doesn't mean you aren't a bitch.

YDI, mega YDI, get over yourself. what a baby

cherry_123 0

i agree with #10. but...if you are a bitch...atleast you know who you get it from!

kbot 0

YDI for being a bitch, and you know no one likes bitches.

Wow, with parents like that, how could you not have mental problems.