By Anonymous - 20/04/2009 18:22 - United States

Today, I told my mom that I was taking antidepressants because I hate myself. She said "That's not surprising. You hate everybody. And, you're kind of a bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 042
You deserved it 23 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Maybe you should recommend those drugs to your mom...but then again you could be a bitch :D

"Today, my daughter told me she was on anti-depressants. I told her, 'That's not surprising. You hate everybody. And you're kind of a bitch.' 10 hours later, she burst through the door with a tommy gun. FML"


derekjeter92 0

everyone look at my comment. It's on top!! looooolololol

Bitch or not it was wrong of her mother to say such a thing

YDI Antidepressants are for people suffering from depression syndrome, not for whimpering little bitches.

writing this FML was just a way to get attention, wasn't it?

lovemyE8 0

It seems like this OP must be an adult, right? How is she going to get pharm drugs without her mother already knowing? Therefore, her mom isn't being a bitch. Same thing happened to me, and guess what? My mom was right. Some people just feel sorry for themselves, and they need a reality check. Attention seeking? Absolutely. I'm totally guilty of that kind of behavior, and I'm glad my mom had the good sense to tell me how pathetic I was... It's the first step to changing.

Well, she must've gotten that from somewhere. No one wants to hear about peoples depression.

That sux- my mom's sorta like that.