By machina - 16/07/2019 04:01

Today, I approached my mother for comfort, because I've been feeling depressed and unloved by anyone lately. She replied, “Honestly, I stopped loving you back when you were a toddler.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 256
You deserved it 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TomeDr 24

With a mother like that, it’s no wonder you’re having issues! I strongly recommend therapy.

Sonotsuave 35

Hey op, I’m sorry parents can be crazy and say the worst things in the moments where you need help the most. You are amazing and are loved by plenty. Feel free to hit me up on here, you’re not alone or unjustified in your feelings & talking to people often helps remind ya that it’s all going to be ok!! :)


TomeDr 24

With a mother like that, it’s no wonder you’re having issues! I strongly recommend therapy.

Sonotsuave 35

Hey op, I’m sorry parents can be crazy and say the worst things in the moments where you need help the most. You are amazing and are loved by plenty. Feel free to hit me up on here, you’re not alone or unjustified in your feelings & talking to people often helps remind ya that it’s all going to be ok!! :)

On the plus side, you are very perceptive reading the feelings of others. Can you guess how I feel about you?

Jeez what the heck is wrong with your mother???? Even if it was a (bad) joke, she went too far. Sorry about it. I hope that you are surrounded by better and more loving people. If not, time to go out and meet those people. Good Luck!

See if the DBSA, NAMI, or other organization of this type has a support group in your area. You will find the comfort that you seek in knowing that you aren’t alone. A good therapist will help. Once you feel more confident, you will see who you can depend on and meet other groups through common interests or just getting out.

LostSoul 19

I think we might have the same family.

EmDizzle2007 28

and now you know. hit me up. I've been told I'm a good listener.

Nhayaa 21

And that's why some people shouldn't have kids. Kids are not pets, you don't get pregnant to enjoy the first years then nothing. If you're not sure you'll handle it after a few years, get a rat or a rabbit.