By Noname - 10/03/2009 15:53 - United States

Today, I stretched out my wedding dress on my bed so it could air out before the big day tomorrow. Later I returned to my room only to find my cat on my wedding dress, it peed on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 287
You deserved it 20 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't want to say you deserved it but... you put alot of faith in luck by exposing your wedding dress like that =(

Emergency dry cleaning FTW! I'm sure any cleaners will take it on an emergency basis. Then close the door to the room it's in ;)


fcuk_fml 0

.... that totally sucks!!!! what did you do with the cat afterward?? if i were you, i would have gotten rid of the cat. how can you even look at that cat and NOT want to kill it?! I hope you got your dress fixed before the wedding!!

fb_fml 0

OP should take her kitty to the vet... it's very, very unlike cats to pee where they sleep; s/he might have a UTI or (worse) a kidney problem.

My cat peed on my graduation robe twenty minutes before I was supposed to leave for graduation.

Prolly peed cause you refer to him/her as 'it.'

alex_vik 0

And that's why I'm not going to own animals when I move out, especially if I own expensive things.

Cat piss. That's ****** up. You are gonna smell that shit for a loooong time. No dry cleaner will get that smell out fast (not before tomorrow). I hope it isn't a white dress. Have a nice day anyway!!