By Noname - 10/03/2009 15:53 - United States

Today, I stretched out my wedding dress on my bed so it could air out before the big day tomorrow. Later I returned to my room only to find my cat on my wedding dress, it peed on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 294
You deserved it 20 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't want to say you deserved it but... you put alot of faith in luck by exposing your wedding dress like that =(

Emergency dry cleaning FTW! I'm sure any cleaners will take it on an emergency basis. Then close the door to the room it's in ;)


Emergency dry cleaning FTW! I'm sure any cleaners will take it on an emergency basis. Then close the door to the room it's in ;)

JamesM9794 0
lizzilla8297 2

ydi for calling your cat an "it".

Wittlestalker 0

Wow, that sucks hard but as Melanie already said I am sure you can take it somewhere to get an emergency dry cleaning. I spilled fruit punch on my communion dress when I was younger and my mother had no problem finding a cleaner.

aupilot 0

Who gets married on a Wednesday?

xxmsmartinezxx 0

Is that really what your thinking about... But it is kinda true

I don't want to say you deserved it but... you put alot of faith in luck by exposing your wedding dress like that =(

DiSab 0

Just one more reason all cats should be killed.

NewLogic87 0

dude if i had a wedding dress it would be rapped up in like 50 bags to insure that i would not ruin it.

Noname must have a pretty messed up life... you know the wedding dress peed on by her cat, and spelling her name wrong and being corrected by her young mentally challenged class, her dad been arrested for methamphetamines, and way more... If i didn't know better, i'd suspect these were being made up...

Who gives a frik if they're fake, they're still funny!