By Noname - 10/03/2009 15:53 - United States

Today, I stretched out my wedding dress on my bed so it could air out before the big day tomorrow. Later I returned to my room only to find my cat on my wedding dress, it peed on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 287
You deserved it 20 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't want to say you deserved it but... you put alot of faith in luck by exposing your wedding dress like that =(

Emergency dry cleaning FTW! I'm sure any cleaners will take it on an emergency basis. Then close the door to the room it's in ;)


#22, it really doesn't matter whether it was a cat or dog. I make wedding cakes and had to rush over to a client's house an hour and a half before the wedding because she kept it in a room to which her dog doesn't go. He'd knocked the four-tier cake off its stand and had eaten half of one of the tiers. This is why you close doors instead of blaming pets.

ya u should have watched meet the parents.... well that cat did worse and tore it up but you prob would have figured it out

futureSNLer11 0
silversar59 0

I'm disgusted with all of you who say to kill a cat. Unless the cat is seriously ill, killing is cruel. You chose to make that cat a part of your family, and you can't just kill him/her. It's like adopting a child as part of your family, then abusing him/her when he/she does something wrong. Give the cat away, or just be more responsible with what you leave in a room with an open door. Please, people.

urkiddingrite 0

im sorry, "air it out" ? wtf u retard

Jack_Of_Spades 0

See, this is why nobody should have a cat. I hate cats, and that is a good reason for chicks not to trust cats either.