By Noname - 10/03/2009 15:53 - United States

Today, I stretched out my wedding dress on my bed so it could air out before the big day tomorrow. Later I returned to my room only to find my cat on my wedding dress, it peed on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 287
You deserved it 20 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't want to say you deserved it but... you put alot of faith in luck by exposing your wedding dress like that =(

Emergency dry cleaning FTW! I'm sure any cleaners will take it on an emergency basis. Then close the door to the room it's in ;)


On the contrary, I think it's the cat that needs to go...horrible creatures.

You're not alone on that one.. I believe that all cats belong in cages (crab pots)

cubbiezgurl03 0

Never ever leave your dress where something could happen to it! At least hang it up somewhere out of reach!

It is beyond belief that anyone would think she deserved this. I hope it got sorted out in time.

You're getting married on a weekday? I'm hoping the admins were just delayed in posting this.

bigcrazymike 6

I hate cats...disgusting vermin!

adelaide_evening 0

#25 and #3, you have to put "Today" in your FML, that's what makes it an anecdote. That doesn't mean it actually happened today.

Yeah, not a fan of cats. That really sucks, though. Hope you got it all sorted out.

GOD DAMN CATS they ruin everything, all should be burned

#6 you are a smart man. once, my cat peed on my beanbag. it has never done it since, mainly because i hung it outside my window until dead. i suggest everyone do the same.

silversar59 0