By Noname - 10/03/2009 15:53 - United States

Today, I stretched out my wedding dress on my bed so it could air out before the big day tomorrow. Later I returned to my room only to find my cat on my wedding dress, it peed on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 287
You deserved it 20 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't want to say you deserved it but... you put alot of faith in luck by exposing your wedding dress like that =(

Emergency dry cleaning FTW! I'm sure any cleaners will take it on an emergency basis. Then close the door to the room it's in ;)


christiner51 0

Response to #3: Um, what's wrong with Wednesday? And who doesn't want to be able to say "I got married on Hump Day!" ?? And aw, I'm sorry Honey.

futureSNLer11 0

#49 i know the person who wrote this. i helped her clean it.

i think i would've murdered the cat... jk, but yd u leave the cat in the room? still. FYL.

awww well it is somewhat your fault for leaving the dress in a space where the cat could get at itt. but other than that I hope everything turned out okk!

shayyyyy 0

sorry but I think it's your fault, why would you leave your dress exposed like that? especially the day before your wedding

michybaby7 0

congrates on getting married at least.

that's why people should get rid of their cats. dogs are loyal and won't f**k up your wedding dress.

wrong. dogs can be just as destructive if not more.

theres this new invention called the door and you can CLOSE it