By seriouslybored - 17/06/2011 07:32 - United States

Today, I spent a full hour working on my British accent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 435
You deserved it 40 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why didn't you just paint the walls and watch them dry? or watch some grass grow?

So was it an English, Irish, Welsh or Scottish accent? There's no such thing as a 'British' accent. I'm assuming you mean it as in Queen's English, which I've only ever heard from the Royal family or American Tv shows


CaptainAwesome2 0

Too bad there's no such thing as a British Accent.

CaptainAwesome2 0

Because people really do that here...

CaptainAwesome2 0

There is no such thing as a British accent!!!

CaptainAwesome2 0

Im english and I dont like southern accents that much... But I love aussie accents :)

CaptainAwesome2 0
CaptainAwesome2 0

I do different american accents and i always hear an american accent and go: oh, that sounds texan, or that sounds like they're from new jersey etc. I dont know if thats just me, but i know there are different accents in different states. Just saying.

I'm the same :) You can just tell.

yeah. defiantly. I'm from California, so I think I speak typical American english, but I find it funny when people with heavy accents think they talk normally.

110 and 118 I'm english and NO-ONE in the whole of Britain says "cheerio" or "pip pip" anymore. We haven't for about 90 years. It's a load of codswallop. (In case you didn't know, codswallop is British for bullshit)

textwork 4
lollymay13 6

I'm English, and I think if some foriegners want to remain ignorant to the fact that the Uk is comprised of 4 different countries, each with many different regional accents within them, then leave them to it. (I'm from Cornwall btw, which means I sound a bit like a pirate as far as the yanks are concerned, and to many brits it means I sound like an uneducated country-bumpkin or a red-neck!) The brits here don't need to defend themselves by saying certain stereotypes aren't true, because guess what, sometimes they are! Just like, i'm sure, some American stereotypes are true aswell. You cannot speak for the whole damn country, you can only speak for yourselves and your own experiences. Get over yourselves. Cheerio! :)

hahaha well! You sure do have a lot to say.

Ha! We're kinda neighbours, I live in Plymouth. :3 got a full on chufty then lol.

I don't think I we call them countries in the us. the uk is a country, not each individual territory.

lollymay13 6

Well now you know better! The UK is comprised of 4 different COUNTRIES, which as a whole make up the UNITED KINGDOM. Try telling a Scottish person that Scotland is not it's own country and you'll have problems my love! lol

lollymay13 6

#269- Aw Plymouth is lovely! You're so lucky! I was a bit far away though, i'm from Newquay. :) Living in Ireland at the mo though. :(

Wow top o' the mornin' to YOU! ;) is it nice there I've never been. :) and I know Irish people probably don't say that anymore but seeing as this FML is about expired jargon I had to throw it in ;)