By seriouslybored - 17/06/2011 07:32 - United States

Today, I spent a full hour working on my British accent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 435
You deserved it 40 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why didn't you just paint the walls and watch them dry? or watch some grass grow?

So was it an English, Irish, Welsh or Scottish accent? There's no such thing as a 'British' accent. I'm assuming you mean it as in Queen's English, which I've only ever heard from the Royal family or American Tv shows


madvone 0

Well, chicks dig brits... so I would say time well spent

awesome! at least youre doing something cool

I don't understand how this is an fml.

haha ! I've done the same thing many times:)

sxtuv 0

omg I do that too! my accent I'm trying to do Is either Australian or British not quite sure

now grab a cup of tea, watch some Doctor Who and you're all set. :P

being from Britain I can tell you that practising the 'British accent' is pointless. There isn't an actual accent. You travel a few miles and everyone sounds completely different. I'm originally from the East Highlands of Scotland, so I don't really have that strong an accent. But even when I'm travelling throughout England I can't understand the locals and they can't understand me at times. Other people I know from different regions have the same problem whilst travelling. so yeah, no set accent. :P.

the OP means the typical London accent that is most commonly seen on (American) tv.

sxtuv 0

who cares what the technical term is that is just what us Americans call it so get over it