By seriouslybored - 17/06/2011 07:32 - United States

Today, I spent a full hour working on my British accent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 435
You deserved it 40 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why didn't you just paint the walls and watch them dry? or watch some grass grow?

So was it an English, Irish, Welsh or Scottish accent? There's no such thing as a 'British' accent. I'm assuming you mean it as in Queen's English, which I've only ever heard from the Royal family or American Tv shows


actually...that's sorta an awesome idea... I wish I had a british accent :p

Malachite_fml 1

I'm British, Specifically English and it does annoy me when Americans talk of a "British" accent and usually do some posh Victorian one. The general perception of British people is that we all talk like the Queen which is laughable because there are so many different accents in the UK, apart from the obvious English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh. I live in a northern city and 10 miles down the road in a town the accent is distinctly different. I have quite a posh accent, which is actually not that far from what Americans would usually imitate. I've never liked it :P

HahaYDI 0

Yeah well when people think of an American accent they'll almost always assume it's Southern. It works both ways, bud.

But we're not discriminating the American accents. Yeah it does work both ways, but what 221 is saying is that in this case, British isn't actually an accent. For exmample you guys have got people from South and North. So have we. I'm from Southern Englad and 221 is from up north. Just being appreciative of eachother's accents you know? And hardly anybody speaks like the Queen from where I am. Just saying.

Wow that really made no sense whatsoever what I just said. Ha! Ignore I said anything. goodnight. and sorry for all the typo's.

There's no such thing as a "British" accent...there are LOTS off different accents here. I assume you mean "posh twat" though...

Suburban_Dude 0

Which one? Never attempt a Yorkshire accent. The lack of the word "the," the pronunciation of "o' as "uhhh," is winding at best.

KumpsMgumps 0

Hey 7, no one cares about your knowledge on different English accents

super_awesomesau 4

wwwwweeeelllllllll how does it sound now