It's called getting old

By Anonymous - 06/05/2022 00:01

Today, and since the pandemic started, I have gained back 80 of the 150lbs I painstakingly lost via diet and exercise in the 5 years leading up to the pandemic. Despite trying multiple methods that worked before and some new ones, I cannot seem to stop the weight from piling on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 010
You deserved it 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That blows. Perhaps a doctor can help? There may be more you’re up against than you know.

wysegirl 24

I feel you. I had to go see a nutritionist and had to get my thyroid checked. Now I have to yet rid of the 50lbs I gained. GL OP.


That blows. Perhaps a doctor can help? There may be more you’re up against than you know.

kitten79TX 5

Try talking to a nutritionist and a traiber to get a customized diet and exercise plan. WW helpedxme lose 80lbs during the pandemic. Download My Fitness Pal and track your calories in vs out. you could be eating too little or too much. iTrackBites is free, and very similar to Weight Watchers.

wysegirl 24

I feel you. I had to go see a nutritionist and had to get my thyroid checked. Now I have to yet rid of the 50lbs I gained. GL OP.

kristinagir 11

Follow up with your doctor? Thyroid maybe?

A psychologist would be the person I’d go see.