By hnickell93 - 10/12/2012 18:37 - United States - Visalia

Today, I realized that sex with my husband has gotten so boring that I'd rather fake an orgasm than let him continue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 847
You deserved it 12 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yes, because having unsatisfactory sex is ALWAYS better than communicating with your spouse. You seriously need to re-evaluate your priorities.


wagne057 6

Maybe he's faking too...hmmm?

DNA evidence kinda makes it hard to fake.

wagne057 6

It's called being multi-orgasmic, it's where the man has the ability to separate ****** and ejaculation.

ohhh big fat bummerrrr..getting married for sex can be soooo hard...(-_-) try doing non sex stuff on weekends & fight less maybe that'll spice things up..oh and say that you love him every now & then & keep your boyfriend away for a while..

citymayer 7

I feel like they're projecting..

Actually the penis size makes no difference, even if OP's husband has a tiny dick he could still satisfy her in other ways if she showed him how/explained what she likes :)

barefootchic 6

Maybe he's unhappy too. Don't let it fester, you're obviously frustrated and it could spill over and cause you to be frustrated with him as a person. You're a grown up, use your big girl words.

Adamman - You DO realise that the penis is not the only way to please a woman, right? This isn't news to you, is it? And you also realise that just because a woman isn't satisfied in bed doesn't make her a lesbian, right? Am I getting through to you at all?

If you prefer faked rather than talk to him, you deserve it.

That's why we men like a woman like *****. :)

Speak for yourself, don't drag everyone into your cheating world.

sweetmama88 6

I think you should have a serious talk with your husband .

livi955 4

Experiment and try on sexy new outfits and have fun with it,try getting the book kamasutra it has tons of new positions that u can try,if you show you to your husband you want more spice during sex im sure he ll be more then happy to give it to you ;)