Simple plan

By Crish - 22/11/2020 05:05 - Italy

Today, I was patiently explaining to my boyfriend what I liked in bed, after several weeks of unsatisfactory sex. He snapped at me and said, "80% of women fake their orgasms. Why can't you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 732
You deserved it 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait? He can't even give it to you good enough for you to fake an ******? You deserve so much better! Like mediocre, maybe.

And yet so many comments on this site say to communicate to your partner if you're unsatisfied in bed. And I believe most people would prefer if their partner communicate. Sounds like this guy is only concerned with himself.


Wait? He can't even give it to you good enough for you to fake an ******? You deserve so much better! Like mediocre, maybe.

If he knows you are faking, then what's the point?

And yet so many comments on this site say to communicate to your partner if you're unsatisfied in bed. And I believe most people would prefer if their partner communicate. Sounds like this guy is only concerned with himself.

tounces7 27

You probably just aren't sexually compatible together, and he felt defensive over it. Communication doesn't always fix a sex life. Some people really just don't work together in bed.

20% of the men give their women orgasms. why can't you?

rotflqtms_ 21

You can fake having sex too. Pamela Handerson is available.

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

says a lot about him that he doesn't even want to do a good job. a man that accepts himself as a failure without even trying, is not worth anyones time unless he grows up.

hh8980 2

As another male I'd like to apologize for him. We are not all like that, some of us listen to our significant others.

diraven 15

Real life couples talk constantly during sex. Not like in movies and **** where there's just staring into each other's eyes and cheesey background music.