By hnickell93 - 10/12/2012 18:37 - United States - Visalia

Today, I realized that sex with my husband has gotten so boring that I'd rather fake an orgasm than let him continue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 847
You deserved it 12 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yes, because having unsatisfactory sex is ALWAYS better than communicating with your spouse. You seriously need to re-evaluate your priorities.


heyuguy 1

either tell him that sex sucks or find a good vibrator! :)

leahmae88 7

So maybe you should take control and try something new, instead of complaining on the Internet. Boring sex is a two way street, partially your fault.

Ydi for not talking to your husband and suggesting that you guys try to make things more interesting. An unhealthy sex life is horrible for a marriage, so is bad communication.

MsMourningStar 22

You deserve that, if you can't keep your sex life exciting then it's your fault. Especially I this day it's really not hard at all.

joejoejoey 4

Need some help? I can fly out anytime and visit!

osm1989_fml 6

I wonder how many husbands are now wondering if their wives wrote this.

Yet another woman who puts in no effort whatsoever and then has the nerve to complain about it haha sucks to be you!

You want your sex life to be more exciting op? Do something about it! Communicate with your husband. Try to spice things up. If you don't talk to him about it and try to make it more exciting then you deserve a boring sex life. F your husbands life.

COMMUNICATION! Seriously, why is this concept so hard to grasp?