By hnickell93 - 10/12/2012 18:37 - United States - Visalia

Today, I realized that sex with my husband has gotten so boring that I'd rather fake an orgasm than let him continue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 847
You deserved it 12 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yes, because having unsatisfactory sex is ALWAYS better than communicating with your spouse. You seriously need to re-evaluate your priorities.


Honestly I know how you feel, I am having the same problem with my wife, anything I suggest she turns down, and she says she is perfectly happy with the way our sex lives are, she just wishes we would do it more often. Mean while I am bored to tears, and really not interested in having sex at all so long as she is unwilling to try something, anything new, or different.

watsonpsykosis 10

That is why communication is the key to a good sex life. Don't be afraid to talk about how to spice things up and try new things.

You knew he was bad in bed when you married him and you still got married. You need to help him, go to an adult store together and pick out some toys.

evagil 4

try something new ever now and then to keep the excitement(:

xsarax_fml 10

Well that doesn't fix the problem, only makes it worse Spice it up a bit and see what y'all are into! :)

Tell him this. He'll try to spice things up and that'll entertain you.

Things aren't going to get any better if you don't learn how to communicate within your relationship op

why not learn to spice it up or teach him to be a better lover.