Daisy don't give a ****

By Dogs loose - 02/03/2010 12:17 - France

Today, I found out that there's nothing like having to chase a 100-something pound Bloodhound around the neighborhood when you're 8 months pregnant, with a 3 and 4 year-old in tow. Especially when she runs the other way at the sight of you coming. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 993
You deserved it 4 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you all are being horribly cruel. One, how can you say she deserves it for not using birth control? It's only three kids, I grew up in a three child household. It's NOT a lot. Second, I also had a dog that would escape out of the backyard (by climbing the fence) and run away when she saw you coming. More than likely the OP was chasing the dog to prevent her small children from freaking out and crying about the lost dog. Animals don't always come back when they get hungry, sometimes they DO get lost. While I don't agree with running while 8 months pregnant, what I see is a mother doing her best to keep the other children happy and protect the family pet from possibly getting run over.

PandasRtheShit 0

The real question to be asked here is.. Who let the dogs out 


Pball11 0

You should train that puppy

MetroidSlayer01 8

@1, I can't wait for your dumbass comment to be removed by moderaters.

yottskry 0

Presumably the big deal here is that you've never counted that high before?

awww I'm sorry OP. good luck on the pregnancy tho!

QueenPersephone 9

Are the 3 and 4 year olds yours as well? If so ydi for being a walking baby factory.

PandasRtheShit 0

The real question to be asked here is.. Who let the dogs out 

sugarbabyxoxo 2

agreed shaytards are an epic win!

Hah you're right. She's even got it down to Shay being nowhere to help. Mommytard? Is that you?

Today, I realized that I was stupid enough to think that I would be able to take care of 3 small children and a giant dog (apparently) by myself. FML

@PandasRTheshit who? who? who? who? btw epic username! cause they really are the shit!

@42 3 kids makes her a baby factory? Are you a dumbass?

elledubb 0

@103- 3small children? are you including her unborn child?

QueenPersephone 9

3 kids that close together in age that she apparently can't manage to the point that it becomes a fml makes her a brainless baby factory.

MyThoughtsR 0

wow. ur dumb. so people r in love and want 2 have kids u ass. YDI for saying that.

I'm assuming she and her partner don't believe in condoms.. I believe in them, though.. Because I've seen one before.. They are definitely real.. :)

DizzyLizzy202 0

1. Your an asshole. 2. 2-3 kids is average for a middle-class family these days. 3. Maybe she wanted her children to be that close in age? I'm only 1 years and 3 months older then my little brother.

ThatOneDouchebag 0

wow 42 your not a douche or anything...

blujaid69 0

I feel for you.. I have a bloodhound,too. And, have had to chase her around the neighborhood with kids in tow....just to get close and have her run off.( it must be a bloodhound thing) Can't imagine being pregnant and doing it.

Why didn't you just let it go? Animals come back when they get hungry.

ochowiki 0

Whenever my dog runs away I just let it run, she comes back in about 15 minutes. Of course if you live in the city then that doesn't really help you.

Because hounds don't. They keep finding new scents and never find their way home

kniickles 0

good luck on the pregnancy! the baby should strong and healthy with you running around like that!

ghostwitch1863 0

real smart! what's more important to you your kids, unborn baby or the damn dog?

Ninjasaurus18 9

They're equally important because the dog is family too.

iamchuck 0

YDI for not using birth control.

rohosoccer08 1

some people want kids! good thing you're not one of them, you probably shouldn't pass on your genes

iamchuck 0

Oh snap. You sure put me in my place.

iAndrea 0
xMegan96 0

um...maybe they're like married want to have kids..?

madskillz3088 0

sucks.... for the dog.. it must have been scared shitless watch your 300 pound ass chasing it lol

ThatOneDouchebag 0

**** you.really. go **** your mom and get her ass pregnant.

raelynn00 4

really?? ur gonna get shitty with that person for it but u tell them to knock up their own mother? wow ur a real winner bet ur own mothers real proud

I think you all are being horribly cruel. One, how can you say she deserves it for not using birth control? It's only three kids, I grew up in a three child household. It's NOT a lot. Second, I also had a dog that would escape out of the backyard (by climbing the fence) and run away when she saw you coming. More than likely the OP was chasing the dog to prevent her small children from freaking out and crying about the lost dog. Animals don't always come back when they get hungry, sometimes they DO get lost. While I don't agree with running while 8 months pregnant, what I see is a mother doing her best to keep the other children happy and protect the family pet from possibly getting run over.

paper_tigers 0

there is nothing wrong with preg women running or working out, but it is not typically advised if they weren't active before being prego

that's true but while 8 months pregnant? that's pushing it

fmlsrfunny77 0

@ #11 ur an idiot everybodys kids r differnt some kids r harder to control and one of the might be handicap

rohosoccer08 1

I agree with you, anyone putting rude comments is stupid!

My uncle had 8 kids! Well 10 but two died as babies...

My grandmother had 12 kids.. it would have been 14 but two were stillborn.

I read about a couple that just had their 19th kid and she's premie but they're still planning on having more... A little much? I think so.

Monikabug 9

@60. You're talking about the Duggars! I read that too. Their philosophy is that they are going to keep having kids until God stops letting Michelle (the mom) get pregnant. Lol and all of their kids' names start with the letter J. That always makes me laugh...

Monikabug 9

But anyways, @11 You are exactly right. I think that most people judge the OP before they try to think of why they did what they did. I think that if the OP is having more children, that is the OP's decision and for all of the commenters that said 'YDI for not being on birth control', PLEASE never procreate. We need less people like you in the world! FYL OP, I am sure it was not easy, but I sincerely do hope that you caught the dog, for you and your children's sake! :)

onepost_n_done 0

False, we need less people overpopulating this planet. Birth control is a good thing. Today, a fat lady gave birth to her 3rd child prematurely when chasing after her more intelligent dog. This pushed the population over 7 billion. The weight pushed the Earth off its' axis and we are now set for an eventual collision with Mars, FML.

@105 if that was an attempt an being funny ..you fail HARD.

I hate dogs; this is one of many reasons why I'll never have one

ssch 0

still sounds to me like she needs to do just a bit of cardio j/k