By hnickell93 - 10/12/2012 18:37 - United States - Visalia

Today, I realized that sex with my husband has gotten so boring that I'd rather fake an orgasm than let him continue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 847
You deserved it 12 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yes, because having unsatisfactory sex is ALWAYS better than communicating with your spouse. You seriously need to re-evaluate your priorities.


I guess you'd also rather fake an ****** than go to the little bit of effort of doing something about it. You can: Be open and honest about your sexual needs. You can suggest that you both try something new. You can just take the initiative to instigate something new. But I'm sure your husband appreciates that you'd rather just fake it.

even if I knew how to fake one, my fiance would probably keep going until he finished