Gamergate 3

By Anamaria - 24/04/2024 18:00 - United States

Today, I told my husband to stop his friendship with our neighbor’s 17 year-old daughter. They claim they just play video games together, but lately he’s been uninterested in sex and barely shows me any affection. He vehemently said, “It’s not like we’re fucking or anything! Chill!” and stormed out of the house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 766
You deserved it 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's grooming her. When she's of age, he'll divorce you and get with her - if he isn't already. There is no reason a grown man should be hanging out with a 17-year-old girl who isn't a relative. Call CPS and your divorce lawyer.


Time to keep the marital counselor on speed dial.

@Yudith - Nah, the divorce lawyer and CPS.

He's grooming her. When she's of age, he'll divorce you and get with her - if he isn't already. There is no reason a grown man should be hanging out with a 17-year-old girl who isn't a relative. Call CPS and your divorce lawyer.

unless your husband is like 18 (which is a whole other situation) it’s more than a little weird for a grown man to hangout with a 17 year old girl. I would absolutely be concerned

Doesn't look good, but being told who you can be friends with and then also having your integrity questioned would probably have elicited an emotional response regardless of the situation.

@Brightside86 - Nobody cares about this groomer's feelings. OP had every right to question him; his behaviour and reactions are suspicious enough to trigger an investigation.

The sentence "I WILL divorce you for being a ******* pervert if you don't stop acting like one." Really needs to be said here.

d j mom 8

one of my favorite sayings is 'common sense is a flower that does not grow in every garden'.

nkunzi 4

Where’s the girl’s father when you need him

Yeah.... major red flags. And I would say the same thing if the genders were reversed. A grown adult hanging out with a 17-year-old so frequently is cause for concern.