By cogu - 03/02/2010 19:34 - France

Today, I realized my girlfriend has more hair on her abdomen than I have on mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 210
You deserved it 6 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KindaMay_BInLove 0

That's not really gross, silly people. Girls are genetically programmed to have more hair than boys. Would you rather she shave and have a prickly belly? I doubt it.

saranottelling 7

You guys don't get this post at all. Clearly, the man is a hairless freak of nature and the small amount of hair on his girlfriend's abdomen makes him feel the acknowledgment is "FML worthy." I'm sorry freaky hairless man! You deserve a cookie!


Aggriken 0

buddy, you're a boy make a big noise playing in the street gonna be a big man some day got blood on your face big disgrace kicking your can all over the place sayin....

It's people like you, that cause girls to be insecure. Shame on you.

Damn thats nasty :D But talk about it with her.

ford_f250 0

she's Italian dude if u dnt like it send her my way

you're a jerk. she probably has more hair because she's been shaving it to be sexy for you and just forgot...

stormin972 0

Chewbacca. rrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuugggggg

ndiesal 0

Yeah, FYL. You should make her shave. LOL

spank_my_toaster 0

why would she shave, then it would come back thicker and tons more.

Yeah...that doesn't happen. Shaving doesnt make hair thicker or spontaniously generate more of it: what happens is that the top of the hair feels thinner when it is longer from wear, whereas after shaving it is blunt.

johncow123 0

you should prolly check her balls too.