By cogu - 03/02/2010 19:34 - France

Today, I realized my girlfriend has more hair on her abdomen than I have on mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 210
You deserved it 6 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KindaMay_BInLove 0

That's not really gross, silly people. Girls are genetically programmed to have more hair than boys. Would you rather she shave and have a prickly belly? I doubt it.

saranottelling 7

You guys don't get this post at all. Clearly, the man is a hairless freak of nature and the small amount of hair on his girlfriend's abdomen makes him feel the acknowledgment is "FML worthy." I'm sorry freaky hairless man! You deserve a cookie!


wellinever 5

At least your boobs are bigger than hers.

newsgit 0

drugs and parties, that's all a teen's life is today. Of course, some of them are dedicated: -musicians -scientists -(professional) workers -charity workers -athletes So that would be a lovely generalization you have there, but it's not.

@ # 30 You know that's 'AN' impossible task. tsk tsk.

this is ****** up. a girl should only have hair on her head, armpits and maybe a little on her arms. there should be no hair on a woman anywhere between her face and her feet. a little bush can be kinda hot sometimes though, especially when the guy's got a little pubage as well ;)

Apparently he doesn't realize that girls grow hair too? Guys like this commenter are so stupid.

You, sir, need better common sense AND education.

I wouldn't say that sucked for you. I would say it sucked for her. Imagine her reaction. She got do laser. But seriously it's not our fault we grow hair everyone just like you men.

Er... All girls have hair. If she has more than the usual and you can't get over it, just get the **** off, dude. I won't be sorry for you. When will we have "My girlfriend is ugly, fml"? -____-'

spank_my_toaster 0

Shut the **** up people its a women thing called PCOS. Many girls have it, so go shove your ******* dick up your ass and moan at gay **** you ******* shallow bitch.