By Noname - 09/01/2009 05:18 - France

Today, like every month, the beautician spent 10 minutes removing the hairs from my stomach. I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 885
You deserved it 2 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Loboguy 0

I'm a guy, so no comment about having stomach hair .. but we're all mammals aren't we? F*** this sexist world for making girls everywhere think their beautiful natural bodies are unnatural. Never ever met a girl I haven't found attractive in some way or other.

a little faint hair is kinda cute. as long as its not like a ******* forest


a little faint hair is kinda cute. as long as its not like a ******* forest

3 pages, and it's the 12th FML that is directly translated from VDM (the french website FML is derivated from...). FTL

asunnyday 0

you and me both. except i just pluck em.

farrito102993 9

I pluck mine, too! Everyone around here thinks I'm crazy and that it hurts- it doesn't at all!

flyfallfadeaway 0

its normal. especially if youre not completely done with puberty.

mustache321 0
mustache321 0

That's pretty normal, for a human being...

Loboguy 0

I'm a guy, so no comment about having stomach hair .. but we're all mammals aren't we? F*** this sexist world for making girls everywhere think their beautiful natural bodies are unnatural. Never ever met a girl I haven't found attractive in some way or other.

RedCarpetGrave 0

That's a good way to be. I salute you, sir.

That's really a great way to be, like #19 said. You have just restored my faith in the male gender, #14. :)

blo0_starZz 0

aaw <3 i think my faith in men was rrborm o.e

I agree with all the repliers to your comment, sir. Thank you for respecting that. :-)

armydaughtr 0

wow that is amazing, Thanx for letting me know not all men are jerks<3

Oh my gosh, I wish every guy thought the way you do. (:

As a guy, I totally agree. No one is perfect. All of this is normal, even when things can seem crazy. Just remember that life can go on.